Sauce Labs Maintenance Windows for Sauce Labs
Sauce Labs will have a four hour previously scheduled maintenance window on Wednesday, July 10th, starting at 04:00 UTC and ending at 08:00 UTC. During this maintenance window, we will be making updates to our infrastructure and services in our US West data center. These maintenance actions may cause portions of the service (including running automated and manual tests) to be unavailable for up to four hours.
2024-February-20 Resolved Service Incident
Incident Report for Sauce Labs


Monday February 19th 2024, 11:20 UTC - Tuesday February 20th, 10:15 UTC

What happened:

Some Emulator and Simulator sessions with typically long startup times were unable to start.

Why it happened:

A service was updated to improve its performance.  This service handles waiting additional time for a VM to become available.  Its internal logic was modified to process a single wait request, but sometimes additional wait requests are necessary.

How we fixed it:

The deployment was reverted.

What we are doing to prevent it from happening again:

We are investigating simulating slower startup times to ensure we can effectively identify similar regressions in the future.

Posted Mar 05, 2024 - 16:14 UTC

Between 2024-Feb-19 11:20 UTC and 2024-Feb-20 10:20 UTC, error rates for desktop and virtual mobile device tests were elevated in our US-West-1 and EU-Central-1 data centers. We have taken remedial action. All services are fully operational.
Posted Feb 19, 2024 - 11:30 UTC