Sauce Labs Maintenance Windows for Sauce Labs
Sauce Labs will have a four hour previously scheduled maintenance window on Wednesday, July 10th, starting at 04:00 UTC and ending at 08:00 UTC. During this maintenance window, we will be making updates to our infrastructure and services in our US West data center. These maintenance actions may cause portions of the service (including running automated and manual tests) to be unavailable for up to four hours.
2023-May-16 Service Incident
Incident Report for Sauce Labs


Tuesday May 16th 2023, 04:10 - 06:00 UTC

What happened:

Internal services experienced high response times in short intervals due to an authentication service being hit with a burst of high traffic. This caused Sauce Connect tunnels to shut down, which triggered customer scripts to restart their tunnels automatically.

Why it happened:

Increased traffic from an internal service to an authentication service caused strain on the data store used by the authentication service. 

How we fixed it:

The following steps we taken to restore service:

  • We fixed a bug in the service making the requests that impacted its effectiveness in rate limiting outbound requests.
  • We adjusted the number of retries of the service making requests to the authentication service.
  • We adjusted the data store to be able to handle the requests more efficiently.

What we are doing to prevent it from happening again:

We are working with the datastore vendor to make the service more resilient and performant under the conditions experienced during the incident.

Posted Jun 02, 2023 - 18:06 UTC

We have taken corrective action. Sauce Connect tunnels are now starting as normal, and error rates are back to normal levels. This incident is resolved.
Posted May 16, 2023 - 06:08 UTC
We are also seeing Real Device tests using Sauce Connect tunnels intermittently fail. We are still investigating.
Posted May 16, 2023 - 05:29 UTC
Sauce Connect tunnels are intermittently not starting and we are seeing an elevated rate of error rate when starting Windows and Android virtual device and desktop browser tests in our EU-Central-1 and US-West-1 data centers. We are investigating.
Posted May 16, 2023 - 04:52 UTC
This incident affected: Automated Browser Testing (US-West, EU-Central), Automated Virtual Mobile Device Testing (US-West, EU-Central), Automated Real Device Testing (US-West, EU-Central), Live Browser Testing (US-West, EU-Central), Live Virtual Mobile Device Testing (US-West, EU-Central), Sauce Connect (US-West, EU-Central), and Sauce Labs REST API (US-West, EU-Central).